Monday 11 April 2016


Fear is one of the most primal emotions of man. Over the ages, like for all other living creatures, it has helped mankind survive and grow. However, as mankind evolved at a faster pace than other creatures, he learnt to start controlling his fear. He learnt that rather than react instinctively to fear, if he rationalised and took decisions, there were more benefits in it. He observed that things are not always as they seem, and fear at times can be misleading. While in a primitive state, fear may be all about survival, in the case of modern man, fear has taken the form of our insecurities, self doubts, apprehensions, suspicion. Fear is saying ‘yes’, when I want to say ‘no’, because I cannot risk losing a relationship or the benefits that I derive from it. Fear is also when I want to do something new, but a voice within me tells me that I’m not good enough for it, or people will laugh when I fail, which makes me give up my dream and stick to the conventional. Fear is when I cannot trust, those around me, and even myself. It is amazing to observe, how much fear dominates our decision making process. As an experiment, for one day, pause before every small or big decision you make, and ask yourself, ‘Am I making this decision because I believe in it, or is it because I fear something?’ Watch your decisions change, as you shift from a decision of fear, to a decision of choice. All fear is fear of the unknown. Fear dominates because we don’t like dealing with uncertainity. Our risk taking ability is diminished, and we dislike the tag of failure. We want predictability, and so we stick to the tried and tested. This is fine as long as we are satisfied with the present, and do not have too many expectations from the future. But if you are looking to grow and become more than what you are at present, you will need to conquer your fears. You will need to experiment with new behaviours which will change the reaction of those around you. You will need to accept the fact that you will be wrong many times before you stumble upon the right way of doing things, which will take you to the next level. The only way to conquer fear, is to do what you fear the most. Once you do it, the fear is gone, and what you are left with is choice. You can choose to do it again, or not do it. But the fear is gone! As we start, one step at a time, conquering our smaller fears first, and then moving to the bigger ones, we grow in self confidence and conviction. We realise that most of our fears are exagerated imaginations. Even when we went wrong, the consequences were not as bad, and when we did hit the right behaviour, the dividends were tremendous. Thus, slowly, though fears still and will always exist, there is an equally strong growth of self confidence and belief system that helps us grow and explore new possibilities. Fear then becomes a useful tool, that prevents us from being rash and brashful, and we use it to prepare things that may go wrong. But they no longer stop us from experimenting, innovating, and following our dreams. Fear always operates out of a vacuum, and that vacuum can be filled with our convictions and beliefs. When we believe in a value or a principle, we act on it regardless of the consequences. Fear then becomes irrelevant, and is conquered. Mankind has evolved and progressed, guided by the light shown by the few who dreamt, believed and showed us the way ahead. They too struggled and fought their fears. As it is said, the biggest battles are fought, not on battlefieds, but in the hearts and minds of men. I wish you, victory!

Building Future Teams

All growth emerges from change. As technology progresses in quantum leaps, change is accelerating. Giant companies are waking up to start-ups which threaten their market dominance overnight, just by innovating and reaching out to the market place with great speed. It is no longer the big beating the small, but it is the fast beating the slow. Organisations are today scouting the globe to identify talented individuals and putting them together in a team to fuel innovation and growth. Promising small companies are valued at astronomical sums to be acquired and integrated into the bigger company. While in the last decade, organisations focussed on recruiting and retaining the best talent, the coming decade is going to see companies struggling to make these talented individuals work together as a great team. These trends are throwing up exciting possibilities, as well as challenges for the future teams. We need to anticipate and prepare for these changes, to be able to leverage on them and ensure they work for us, and not against us. So what are the challenges to prepare for? One of the biggest issues organisations are going to face is diversity. As companies spread and globalise, their workforce is also getting internationalised. Infact, even in a country like India, where we are used to exporting talent, leading multi-nationals are internationalising the teams by bringing in expatriates from their different global offices to work here together. Diversity is also not only cultural, but also functional. For instance, research teams in some organisations are from mixed professions and varied disciplines. This diversity, brings with it creativity and energy, but if not handled well, can also lead to chaos and conflict. Thus, the leaders of tomorrow will need to demonstrate emotional and cultural sensitivity to lead people from different cultural mindsets, and integrate them into working harmoniously together towards a common goal. Teams will have to rise above the superficial cultural differences and bond through common universal human values like trust, passion and respect. Another interesting issue organisations will need to deal with is autonomy and control. As teams are geographically dispersed, and given more autonomy to move fast to respond to changes in market dynamics, the senior management will also feel the need for greater control to prevent misuse of the autonomy and powers that are delegated. Just as fantastic teams can boost the bottom line of their company by being creative in the marketplace, rogue teams are equally capable of tarnishing a company’s image and create for it huge financial liabilities. Members in a team, are the same people who are consumers in the market place. If we look around today, the most successful products and services are those which create an emotional connect with its audience and satisfy the social needs of individuals. Similarly, the most effective teams in the future will be those which are well bonded with each other, and find their social needs met through the team members to a great extent. Organisations will have to create interventions which encourage employees to express their emotions and connect with each other. Leaders will need to possess a high EQ to hold the trust of the team and facilitate it in resolving conflicts and creating genuine norms. Such teams will be able to synergise its resources and function as one unit with a pooling together of its energies. It is said that the more things change, the more they remain the same. As we move towards a global marketplace, and deal with diversity and uncertainty, organisations will have to go back to common human values to integrate people with different upbringings and mindsets. Such a move cannot happen overnight, but will have to be executed through a series of interventions and cultural changes. It is time to sharpen the axe…

Quest Soar

Purpose. Vision. Focus. Passion. Energy. Action…

We all need a little bit of inspiration, a little bit of push at times, to do what is right, to do what we aspire to, to become what we know we are potentially capable of being.

Quest Soar aims to spark that fire in individuals and groups to focus and align their energies towards expressing and actualizing their potential. A moment can change your life, and we work hard to create that magical moment.

Through bullet sessions ranging upto 2 hours, and workshops that span over a few hours to a couple of days, we work on uncovering the diamond within us hidden below the dust of the daily grind. The aim is to re-discover, re-affirm and re-build with renewed hope and enthusiasm.

Corporate programs work with groups to go through a process of creating their B.H.A.G. based on their core belief and value systems, and leveraging their unique strengths. The outcome is a unique Vision Statement that is inspiring and converges the energies of the organization towards a common purpose. It lends meaning to the day-to-action of the employees and creates distinction in the market place for the products and services of the company.

Group motivation sessions rekindle the desire in participants to go beyond the ordinary and aim to be awesome instead. Through every small action of excellence, we can build a life that is truly extraordinary and worthy of respect and admiration. When our every act is done with a sense of purpose and meaning, we change and influence our environment and organization culture for the better. This can then have a cascading effect on the entire organization, making it vibrant and responsive, and open to change and innovation. Such organizations experience a sense of ownership and loyalty from its employees as well as its customers.

Workshops and individual sessions help participants to get in touch with their True North, and merge their ideals with practical considerations. The self awareness exercises explore not only the inherent potential, but also the blocks within that restrict and restrain us from taking risks and following our beliefs. These sessions replace fear and insecurities within us with meaning and purpose, which is essential to live a life driven by passion and conviction.

Case Studies

Quest outbound programs are with a difference! Learning, as an agenda, is high on the take-away of Quest Outbounds. Therefore, our activities and adventures are designed around learning along with fun and high energy. We take the classroom programs, and execute them in an outbound format, achieving greater learning. Our several clients and their delight is a testimony to that.
We are excited to undertake challenging assignments in this format. Some of the objectives that we have delivered are:

Vision Building: A leading 5 star hotel, before its opening, took its core 13 members for a 3 day outbound with us at an exotic location to develop a Vision Statement that would energise its staff, and provide its guests with a refreshing difference. The challenge was integrating 13 successful personalities with strong views under one common shared vision. Diversity of views and opinions was infact leveraged to evolve a dynamic Vision. Post the outbound, the hotel developed an entire program around its new Vision, with certificates for its staff for living up to the Vision statement, as well as integrating it in its performance appraisal and rewards system!
Cultural Integration: A German MNC had taken over a European company, and it needed to integrate 2 different cultures into a cohesive team. They invited us to propose a solution, and this led to a 2 day outbound intervention. Debriefs focussed on first allowing members to express their apprehensions and fears, and then the process was deftly manoeuvred to appreciating the best of the respective cultures, and surmounting the differences through respect and trust.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ): A leading engineering company of India wanted its future leadership to be more sensitive to the emotions of its teams, rather than being purely task oriented and insensitive. We decided to take it one step further, and in the 3 day intervention that followed, we demonstrated how through empathy and using emotions, leaders can actually improve the performance of the team in quantum leaps. Our outbound was rated as most memorable in the last 10 years by the participants!

Trust: A pharmaceutical giant was devising a new marketing strategy, and therefore a new team to lead this initiative. It apprehended resistance from the existing team towards this new team, and a sense of insecurity. At the same time, the new team would need the support of the old team to succeed. To ensure that there was a co-operation and a sense of one-ness amongst both teams, an outbound intervention was planned, and in the course of the program, this issue was raised sensitively, and an atmosphere of trust created, which allowed participants to voice their fears. This free and frank exchange, led to an extraordinary level of camaraderie between all participants, and what followed at the workplace was an explosive performance.

Innovation and Creativity: The fortunes of a once premiere company were on the downside. The top Management diagnosed that there lack a creative approach to problem solving, and its leaders were risk averse. While we pointed out that there was also a deeper cultural issue involved, as a short term wake-up intervention, we devised a 2 day outbound program to focus on behaviours and attitudes that lead to being creative, and how it can leap-frog you miles ahead of competition. Participants were not merely given sermons, but exercises were designed to allow them to practise innovation, and see the results in their performance, or lack of it for real. The learnings that resulted were deep, and an eye-opener, that at times the biggest risk is being risk averse!

Quest Outbounds build leadership and high performance amongst teams using the principles of experiential learning. The activities are fun, creative and they encourage participants to experiment with new behaviour. The debrief sessions provoke reflection amongst the participants, creating shifts and changes in the here and now.
We aim to internalise the locus of control of participants, making them realise that their environment is a reaction of their own behaviours, and as their behaviour changes, so does the reaction of people around them.
Even if you have no time for follow-up sessions, our interventions ensure that participants leave with a difference in their being. For a detailed presentation on how we can help your organisation, get in touch now!

The Venue Is Any Event’s Signature

While our core competency is clearly Outbound Training, we do assist organisations in their search for an ideal venue for their offsite, on request. All we need to conduct our programs is an open lawn area, adequate for the group size, and a conference room for the debrief sessions. We carry the rest of the equipment, though we may source some materials locally. This allows us great flexibility in conducting the Outbounds in a range of venues, based on your budget and preference.

An ideal and exotic venue contributes significantly to the event’s success.   Our vast exposure of various locations helps us to offer you suggestions on the venue most suitable for the type of experience you wish to give your group. Our select tie-ups with certain properties also give you a great deal!   We ensure that all venues we have a tie-up with, meet quality standards of hygiene and glad to serve!

Ask us for assistance in deciding the venue, the program flow, and the ‘me time’ for participants to enjoy the location, and we ensure minimum standards of cleanliness and hygiene, irrespective of their budget. We are therefore selective and choosy in our recommendations.

All in all, a one-stop shop for your offsites! We see every aspect of the offsite as related, and as playing a role in its success.

Bigger the Dream, more important the Team


Scientifically designed challenges and tasks that are high in energy and engagement, bringing out team dynamics in a fun filled atmosphere. Each activity stimulates different aspects of human behavior, like trust, passion, innovation, initiative, leadership, emotional intelligence, etc. in real time. The debrief sessions that follow enable you to reflect through discussion and sharing, thus making it truly experiential and powerful in its impact.


Fire walking has been used down the ages as a powerful experience in different contexts. In recent years, it has been used as an effective motivational exercise. Quest Fire walk Sessions allows you to experience how imagination stimulates our emotions, and using visualizations can be a life changing method to achieve your biggest and most audacious dreams.


What does it take to create a shared vision? How can we communicate to ensure that our work is not in conflict, but in harmony? How can you together create one big unified picture? Teams are given a theme, and different canvas. Each team has to paint a part of the picture, and when it comes together, the smaller canvas have to merge into one big canvas There is a resemblance to real life in more ways than one.


Music unifies people like nothing else does. The Drum Circle introduces rhythm, harmony and sheer energy in your group. It invokes the sense that anything can be mastered if you put your mind to it, and a bunch of people working in harmony, can literally create music! What starts slowly, builds up in crescendo and ends in beats that resonate for months post the event. An ideal and memorable sign off to any event.


Cooking is an art, but it also requires tons of planning, logistics and team work! Each team is given a budget, and a market place is created where teams choose and purchase the ingredients. It’s a race against time, to deliver quality and taste in the most presentable way, while trying to save as much money as possible! What does it take to dish out the perfect meal? These and many more questions get answered in this exciting cooking journey.


Excellence is all about pushing your boundaries and moving outside your comfort zone. We present a range of adventure activities like the White Water Rafting, Rappelling, Night Treks, Jumba Ring, Valley Crossing, Cliff Jumping, etc. which is conducted by certified instructors with all safety measures in place to create exciting memories and bonding amongst the participants.


Some questions that you may have if you’ve come this far…

Why should I engage Quest Outbounds for my offsite?
·                               We are the leading team building company in India. Go with the best!
·                               We are totally involved and responsible for the results you desire from the event. You set the expectations, we deliver.
·                               Please visit our ‘Case Studies’ page for some more information, or just call us, and we will be glad to share.

What type of outbounds does Quest specialize in?
·                               We specialize in outbounds. Period. Ranging from fun filled events, to ones that are designed to inspire and motivate, we have a solution customized to your every need.
·                               But we are best known to create memorable events…

Are Quest Outbounds expensive?
·                               Yes, we are expensive.
·                               No, we are not expensive.
·                               We aim to deliver value, for every buck that you are spending. So the verdict is, we are not expensive.

This is the first time we are organizing an outbound. How do we go about it?

·                               You are in safe hands. You have reached the specialists in this domain. Let us guide you through this jungle. You will enjoy the journey as well as the destination!

We have had several outbounds so far. What is different about Quest?

·                               We listen.
·                               We focus on strong debrief sessions to build the learning agenda. Activities become a means to an end.
·                               We have an eye for detail, and set standards for ourselves that are as high as yours. We do those small things that go a long way in making a successful event.

Which all locations do you operate in?

·                               Quest Outbounds is location flexible. All we need is a decent lawn area or a large indoor space for the activities and a conference room for the debrief session.
·                               We conduct our program across Middle East and Pan Asia with offices in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore currently.
·                               We are however not limited by geography.

I have several questions now! How do I ask them?

·                               That’s great! We love questions, its part of our Quest!
·                               Write in to ‘‘ or simply call +91-9867750009, now. Go with what is your comfort zone.